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- ESG Specialist
ESG Specialist
ESG Specialist
Doświadczenie: Wymagane
Wymiar pracy: Pełen etat
Typ pracy: Praca hybrydowa
Typ rekrutacji: Rekrutacja on-line
Solaris Bus & Coach sp. z o.o.
Podobne ogłoszenia
- track ESG landscape initiating adjustment activities in the organization,
- effectively collate data to strengthen our reporting and engagement,
- review requirements and complete ESG rating submissions,
- actively promote and communicate ESG best practices.
- support ESG KPI metrics to measure, monitor and report progress towards execution of the Strategic Plan,
- report ESG data internally and externally (an internal CSRD data validator function),
- working with the corporate ESG Team at the CAF Group level to ensure compliance and consistency of business processes at Solaris in a dynamically changing ESG landscape,
- review requirements for non-financial data and engage with Business Units and Corporate functions,
- engage with ESG rating agencies to capture and analyze ratings and feedback (e.g. EcoVadis),
- working with the internal departments responsible for sustainable value chain (e.g. R&D, Procurement, HR, Finance),
Mile widziane
- knowledge of ESG regulatory (e.g. CSRD,CS3D, EU Taxonomy, Carbon footprint methodology),
- Master of Science with minimum of two years’ experience in developing and implementing ESG activities, consulting or corporate communication,
- knowledge of standards to assess sustainability will be an asset (e.g. EcoVadis, MSCI, Sustainalytics, S&P),
- ability to write accurate reports on data collection and analysis,
- communication skills to work with company staff at all levels of the organization,
- open-minded attitude, ability to independently explore new insights, self-motivated and proactiv
- fluent - both in speech and writing - in English and Polish,
- synthesis skills for decision support,
- experience in verbally delivering and presenting information to relevant stakeholders, including the ability to translate complex data and build knowledge,
- możliwość pracy zdalnej
- program emerytalny
- program rekomendacji pracowników
- dofinansowanie wypoczynku
- premia gwiazdkowa
- przedszkole / żłobek pracowniczy
- dofinansowanie do studiów podyplomowych
- ubezpieczenie na życie
- dofinansowanie nauki języków
- dofinansowanie zajęć sportowych
- elastyczny czas pracy
- prywatna opieka medyczna
- dofinansowanie szkoleń i kursów
Aplikujesz na:
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